Kuldashev K.M.Tashkent Financial Institute, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan KuldashevKM@gmail.com ORCID id: отсутствует SPIN-код: отсутствует
Importance The article reviews mutual insurance, its distinctions, advantages and demand for it in Uzbekistan. Objectives The research determines the position of Uzbekistan's insurance market and identifies its development issues. I substantiate advantages of mutual insurance and benefits if it is implemented in certain sectors of the economy, including agriculture. Methods The methodological underpinning comprises basic research in insurance. The research employs structural, logic and systems approaches. Results I analyze and compare the current situation in Uzbekistan's insurance market and those in other countries. Drawing upon the previous research, I determine distinctions of the situation, weaknesses and issues of Uzbekistan's insurance market. The article also points out general and specific traits of mutual and commercial insurance, emphasizing the advantage of mutual insurance. Mutual insurance companies seem to be one of the development solutions for the insurance market, especially in case of agriculture. Conclusions and Relevance Based on the findings, I provide my recommendations for developing the insurance market and improving the quality of services. To ensure the concurrent promotion of the insurance market and commercial insurance, mutual insurance should be introduced in agriculture.
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